White Paper on the Effects of Increased Turbidity and Suspended Sediment on ESA Listed Species from Projects Occurring in the Greater Atlantic Region

  • Amanda Johnson
Keywords: turbidity; suspended sediments; total suspended solids; ESA; dredging


This white paper reviews the most recent information about turbidity and suspended sediment, including the potential effects of increased sedimentation on Greater Atlantic Region marine and anadromous species that are listed on the Endangered Species Act (ESA), as well as effects on their habitat (including critical habitat where applicable) and prey species. The intent is to provide guidance to Greater Atlantic Regional Office Protected Resources Division ESA section 7 biologists during consultations on any proposed activities that release or re-suspend sediments into the water column to ensure consistency in conducting effects analyses and communicating information needs to individual action agencies. After considering concentration level thresholds for the onset of various effects (behavioral, physiological, and lethal) on listed fish species, our suggestions for exposure concentrations and durations are based on a summary of the literature, review of effects on these and related species, and current practices being employed during consultations. We qualitatively considered the effects of increased turbidity and suspended sediment levels on ESA listed whales and sea turtles rather than establishing exposure concentration and duration thresholds because no information was available in the literature that could be used to inform such determinations.
