
Descriptions of Selected Fishery Landings and Estimates of Vessel Revenue from Areas: A Planning-level Assessment

Prepared by:
National Marine Fisheries Service

July 06, 2021

Data sources:
Commerical Fisheries landings data, Vessel Trip Reports, and Surfclam/OceanQuahog Logbooks

In order to meet requirements of maintaining data confidentiality, these strata are presented individually. In addition, records that did not meet the rule of three (>=3 unique dealers and >= 3 unique permits), values were summarized as ‘ALL OTHERS’.

Some caveats/notes:

  • Values are reported in nominal dollars. Values in 2019 dollars are reported as well (see below for details).
  • Pounds are reported in landed (dressed) pounds.
  • Data summarized here is based on vessels that are required to provide federal VTRs.
  • Federal lobster vessels, with only lobster permits, do not have a VTR requirement. Many Atlantic Highly Migratory Species permitted vessels also do not have a VTR requirement. Trips with no VTR are not reflected in this summary.
  • There exist other fisheries in State waters that may not be reflected in data from federal sources (e.g. whelk, bluefish). It is recommended to query state agencies for additional data within state waters.
  • All summaries presented here are built from percentages of a trip that overlapped spatially with the WEAs. These percentages were applied to landings and values for that trip and summed. This differs from simply using the self-reported VTR/clam logbook locations as those place all value from that trip at a single point. Use of the VTR raster model is more representative as smoothing reported locations reduces the effect of location inaccuracy.

DePiper GS (2014) Statistically assessing the precision of self-reported VTR fishing locations.
Benjamin S, Lee MY, DePiper G. 2018. Visualizing fishing data as rasters. NEFSC Ref Doc 18-12; 24 p.

Most Impacted FMPs

We define “most impacted” as the FMPs deriving the most revenue from thearea over the twelve year analysis period of 2008 to 2019, indicating the highest potential for impact to industry from a reduction in fishing area.The top 5 FMPs by revenue in Skipjack Wind 2 were Sea Scallop, Summer Flounder, Scup, Black Sea Bass, Surfclam, Ocean Quahog, American Lobster and No Federal FMP.” The category “No Federal FMP” contains a variety of species that are not federally regulated, such as: smooth and chain dogfish, whelk, and menhaden, (there are close to 91 species without federal FMPs caught in the Skipjack Wind 2 area). Revenue values have been deflated to 2019 dollars. All numbers have been rounded to the nearest thousand. Specific figures on these FMPs within the area follow.

Figure 1.1 Landings from Most Impacted FMPs, Skipjack Wind 2

Table 1.1 Twelve Year Total Landings (Pounds), Most Impacted FMPs, Skipjack Wind 2
FMP Twelve Year Landings
No Federal FMP 777,000
Surfclam, Ocean Quahog 217,000
Summer Flounder, Scup, Black Sea Bass 68,000
Sea Scallop 45,000
American Lobster 9,000
Total 1,116,000

Figure 1.2 Revenue from Most Impacted FMPs, Skipjack Wind 2

Table 1.2 Twelve Year Total Revenue for Most Impacted FMPs, Skipjack Wind 2
FMP Twelve Year Revenue
Sea Scallop $428,000
No Federal FMP $274,000
Summer Flounder, Scup, Black Sea Bass $183,000
Surfclam, Ocean Quahog $161,000
American Lobster $45,000
Total $1,091,000

Other Impacted FMPs

We analyzed other impacted FMPs separately in order to better visualize the estimated landings and revenues. The other impacted FMPs are: All Others, Atlantic Herring, Bluefish, Golden And Blueline Tilefish, Highly Migratory Species, Jonah Crab, Mackerel, Squid, And Butterfish, Monkfish, Northeast Multispecies, Skates, Small-Mesh Multispecies and Spiny Dogfish . The category “All Others” refers to FMPs with less than three permits or dealers impacted to protect data confidentiality. Revenue values have been deflated to 2019 dollars. All numbers have been rounded to the nearest thousand.

Figure 2.1 Landings from Other Impacted FMPs, Skipjack Wind 2

Table 2.1 Twelve Year Total Landings (Pounds), Other Impacted FMP, Skipjack Wind 2
FMP Twelve Year Landings
Mackerel, Squid, and Butterfish 48,000
All Others 21,000
Atlantic Herring 5,000
Skates 3,000
Jonah Crab 2,000
Bluefish 1,000
Spiny Dogfish 1,000
Monkfish 1,000
Small-Mesh Multispecies <500
Golden and Blueline Tilefish <500
Northeast Multispecies <500
Highly Migratory Species <500
Total 84,000

Figure 2.2 Revenue from Other Impacted FMPs, Skipjack Wind 2

Table 2.2 Twelve Year Total Revenue for Other Impacted FMPs, Skipjack Wind 2
FMP Twelve Year Revenue
Mackerel, Squid, and Butterfish $35,000
All Others $16,000
Monkfish $2,000
Jonah Crab $1,000
Skates $1,000
Bluefish $1,000
Golden and Blueline Tilefish $1,000
Atlantic Herring $1,000
Northeast Multispecies <$500
Highly Migratory Species <$500
Spiny Dogfish <$500
Small-Mesh Multispecies <$500
Total $58,000

Most Impacted Species

We analyzed the top 10 species due to their economic importance in the area and to isolate them from combined FMPs. The top 10 species by revenue are: Sea Scallop, Surf Clam, Channeled Whelk, Black Sea Bass, Menhaden, American Lobster, Summer Flounder, Longfin Squid, Illex Squid and Knobbed Whelk . The category “All Others” refers to species with less than three permits or dealers impacted to protect data confidentiality. Revenue values have been deflated to 2019 dollars. All numbers have been rounded to the nearest thousand.

Figure 3.1 Landings of Top Species, Skipjack Wind 2

Table 3.1 Twelve Year Total Landings (Pounds), Most Impacted Species, Skipjack Wind 2
Species Twelve Year Landings
Menhaden 685,000
Surf Clam 216,000
All Others 52,000
Black Sea Bass 51,000
Sea Scallop 45,000
Illex Squid 25,000
Channeled Whelk 19,000
Summer Flounder 16,000
Longfin Squid 15,000
American Lobster 9,000
Total 1,133,000

Figure 3.2 Revenue from Most Impacted Species, Skipjack Wind 2

Table 3.2 Twelve Year Total Revenue, Most Impacted Species, Skipjack Wind 2
Species Twelve Year Revenue
Sea Scallop $428,000
Channeled Whelk $163,000
Surf Clam $161,000
Black Sea Bass $147,000
Menhaden $66,000
American Lobster $45,000
Summer Flounder $36,000
All Others $21,000
Longfin Squid $18,000
Illex Squid $14,000
Total $1,099,000

Select Gear Types

We analyzed select gear types to better understand the type of fishing occurring in Skipjack Wind 2 . The select gear types are: Dredge-Other, Dredge-Clam, Dredge-Scallop, Gillnet-Sink, Gillnet-Other, Weir-Trap, Seine-Purse, Seine-Other, Handline, Hand-Other, Trawl-Bottom, Trawl-Midwater, Longline-Bottom, Longline-Pelagic, Pot-Other, and Pot-Lobster. The category “All Others” refers to species with less than three permits or dealers impacted to protect data confidentiality. Revenue values have been deflated to 2019 dollars. All numbers have been rounded to the nearest thousand.

Figure 4.1 Landings of Select Gear Types, Skipjack Wind 2

Table 4.1 Twelve Year Total Landings (Pounds), Select Gear Types, Skipjack Wind 2
Gear Type Twelve Year Landings
All Others 486,000
Seine-Purse 260,000
Dredge-Clam 217,000
Pot-Other 94,000
Trawl-Bottom 79,000
Dredge-Scallop 45,000
Gillnet-Sink 10,000
Pot-Lobster 9,000
Handline <500
Total 1,199,000

Figure 4.2 Revenue from Select Gear Types, Skipjack Wind 2

Table 4.2 Twelve Year Total Revenue, Select Gear Types, Skipjack Wind 2
Gear Type Twelve Year Revenue
Dredge-Scallop $421,000
Pot-Other $351,000
Dredge-Clam $161,000
Trawl-Bottom $90,000
All Others $69,000
Pot-Lobster $27,000
Seine-Purse $21,000
Gillnet-Sink $8,000
Handline <$500
Total $1,149,000


The following tables display the given year total revenue and total landed pounds of all species by all gear types within the area. Skipjack Wind 2 totals the most pounds landed, 1.199 million, and the most revenue derived from within an area, $1.149 million. All numbers have been rounded to the nearest thousand.

Table 5.1 Twelve Year Total Revenue and Landings (Pounds), Skipjack Wind 2
Year Revenue Landings
2008 $113,000 204,000
2009 $79,000 33,000
2010 $171,000 109,000
2011 $64,000 115,000
2012 $109,000 185,000
2013 $59,000 81,000
2014 $33,000 34,000
2015 $95,000 85,000
2016 $118,000 86,000
2017 $54,000 50,000
2018 $128,000 156,000
2019 $127,000 61,000
Total $1,149,000 1,199,000

Revenue by Port

The ten most impacted (by revenue) ports are listed below. These ports are estimated to receive the most landings from fishing done within the Skipjack Wind 2 area. The table below displays each port’s landings revenue breakdown. The table present the cumulative revenues from 2008-2019. Cape May receives the highest value of landings of any port, with $384,856 from 2008-2019. All numbers have been rounded to the nearest thousand.

Table 6.1 Most Impacted Ports, by Landings Revenues
City State Twelve Year Revenue
Cape May NJ $385,000
New Bedford MA $181,000
Ocean City MD $145,000
Atlantic City NJ $112,000
Sea Isle City NJ $92,000
Newport News VA $58,000
All Others $51,000
Indian River DE $48,000
Hampton VA $19,000
North Kingstown RI $13,000

Percentage of Revenue by Permit

We also analyzed the percentage of each permit’s total commercial fishing revenue coming from within the Skipjack Wind 2 area (see boxplots figures and tables below). Boxplots are important statistical summaries because they provide information about the distribution of the percentages. The boxplots below begin at the 1st quartile, or the value beneath which 25 percent of all observations fall. A thick line within the box identifies the median, the observation at which 50 percent of observations are above or beneath. The box ends at the 3rd quartile, or the observation beneath which 75 percent of observations fall. Nonparametric estimates of the minimum and maximum values are also indicated by the “whiskers” (dashed line terminating in a vertical line) that jut out from each side of the box. Any points outside of these whiskers are observations that are considered outliers. In our tables, however, the maximum values are inclusive of outliers. The first table below presents the minimum, 1st quartile, median, 3rd quartile, and maximum values for the area. These are the twelve year revenue percentages. The following table represents the total number of outliers by year. The boxplots in the figures below further separate the area out by year.

Table 7.1 Analysis of Twelve Year Permit Revenue Percentage Boxplots, Skipjack Wind 2
Min 1st Quartile Median 3rd Quartile Max
0 0 0.02 0.05 6
Table 7.2 Twelve Year Outlier Count, Skipjack Wind 2
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
27 27 28 28 16 15 16 16 18 14 17 18

Figure 7.1 Annual Permit Revenue Percentage Boxplots, Skipjack Wind 2

Species Dependence

The tables below indicate the top ten species deriving the most revenue from the area by year. Additional information includes landings, and effort (Days-at-Sea, or DAS), occurring within the area of interest, as a percentage of totals generated by that species across the entire region by year and the total number of trips and vessels from the area by year, FMP, species, and port. Trips with less than three permits or dealers have been removed to protect data confidentiality. The category “All Others” refers to gear type categories with less than three permits or dealers impacted to protect data confidentiality.

Table 8.1 Total Number of Trips and Vessels by Year, Skipjack Wind 2
Year Number of Trips Number of Vessels
2019 469 97
2018 543 100
2017 501 77
2016 668 127
2015 638 115
2014 509 96
2013 489 92
2012 879 117
2011 731 162
2010 807 248
2009 867 237
2008 979 229
Table 8.2 Percentages of Total, Revenue, Landings, and Days-at-Sea for Species of Interest, Skipjack Wind 2, 2019
Species Revenue as % of Total Landings as % of Total DAS as % of Total
Black Sea Bass 0.23 0.28 0.03
All Others 0.08 0.04 0.01
American Eel 0.01 0.18 0.03
Blueline Tilefish 0.01 0.02 0.01
Ilex Squid 0.01 0.01 0.01
Atlantic Sea Scallop 0.01 0.01 0.01
Longfin Squid 0.01 0.01 0.01
Swordfish 0.01 0.01 0.01
American Lobster 0.01 0.01 0.01
Atlantic Bluefish 0.00 0.01 0.01
Table 8.3 Total Number of Trips and Vessels by FMP, Skipjack Wind 2, 2019
FMP Number of Trips Number of Vessels
American Lobster 119 12
Bluefish 37 19
Golden and Blueline Tilefish 32 20
Highly Migratory Species 9 5
Jonah Crab 44 7
Mackerel, Squid, and Butterfish 103 32
Monkfish 50 31
No Federal FMP 236 39
Sea Scallop 34 28
Skates 15 6
Small-Mesh Multispecies 70 21
Spiny Dogfish 3 3
Summer Flounder, Scup, Black Sea Bass 218 49
Table 8.4 Total Number of Trips and Vessels by Species, Skipjack Wind 2, 2019
Species Number of Trips Number of Vessels
American Eel 25 6
American Lobster 119 12
Atlantic Mackerel 26 14
Black Sea Bass 161 29
Bluefish 37 19
Blueline Tilefish 20 15
Butterfish 36 18
Channeled Whelk 120 10
Conger Eel 26 9
Dogfish Smooth 13 4
Dogfish Spiny 3 3
Golden Tilefish 18 11
Illex Squid 24 8
John Dory 16 9
Jonah Crab 44 7
King Whiting 8 7
Knobbed Whelk 70 7
Longfin Squid 90 31
Monkfish 50 31
Nk Eel 21 4
Red Hake 48 11
Scup 22 14
Sea Scallop 34 28
Silver Hake 28 13
Skates 5 4
Squeteague Weakfish 4 3
Summer Flounder 65 35
Swordfish 7 4
Triggerfish 9 5
Table 8.5 Total Number of Trips and Vessels by Port, Skipjack Wind 2, 2019
Port Number of Trips Number of Vessels
Beaufort, NC 12 8
Cape May, NJ 246 29
Hampton, VA 21 11
New Bedford, MA 18 11
Newport News, VA 9 7
Ocean City, MD 17 8
Point Judith, RI 24 13
Sea Isle City, NJ 56 4
Wildwood, NJ 5 3
Table 8.6 Percentages of Total, Revenue, Landings, and Days-at-Sea for Species of Interest, Skipjack Wind 2, 2018
Species Revenue as % of Total Landings as % of Total DAS as % of Total
Atlantic Menhaden 0.22 0.23 0.07
Black Sea Bass 0.21 0.26 0.04
All Others 0.18 0.02 0.01
Tautog 0.07 0.08 0.07
Atlantic Surfclams 0.04 0.04 0.05
Blueline Tilefish 0.03 0.02 0.01
American Eel 0.01 1.52 0.17
American Lobster 0.01 0.01 0.01
Longfin Squid 0.00 0.01 0.00
Ilex Squid 0.00 0.00 0.01
Table 8.7 Total Number of Trips and Vessels by FMP, Skipjack Wind 2, 2018
FMP Number of Trips Number of Vessels
American Lobster 177 9
Bluefish 12 10
Golden and Blueline Tilefish 19 13
Jonah Crab 80 5
Mackerel, Squid, and Butterfish 63 30
Monkfish 52 32
No Federal FMP 346 38
Sea Scallop 45 34
Skates 6 4
Small-Mesh Multispecies 57 14
Summer Flounder, Scup, Black Sea Bass 247 46
Surfclam, Ocean Quahog 47 6
Table 8.8 Total Number of Trips and Vessels by Species, Skipjack Wind 2, 2018
Species Number of Trips Number of Vessels
American Eel 45 3
American Lobster 177 9
Atlantic Croaker 3 3
Atlantic Mackerel 21 14
Black Sea Bass 203 22
Bluefish 12 10
Blueline Tilefish 10 7
Butterfish 33 16
Channeled Whelk 162 13
Conger Eel 51 5
Dogfish Smooth 7 4
Golden Tilefish 13 10
Illex Squid 19 8
John Dory 21 12
Jonah Crab 80 5
King Whiting 11 8
Knobbed Whelk 73 11
Longfin Squid 55 28
Menhaden 37 6
Monkfish 52 32
Nk Eel 27 5
Red Hake 40 6
Scup 21 14
Sea Scallop 45 34
Silver Hake 19 11
Skates 6 4
Squeteague Weakfish 7 6
Summer Flounder 64 39
Surf Clam 46 5
Tautog 57 7
Triggerfish 37 5
Table 8.9 Total Number of Trips and Vessels by Port, Skipjack Wind 2, 2018
Port Number of Trips Number of Vessels
Atlantic City, NJ 11 3
Cape May, NJ 294 32
Hampton, VA 13 13
New Bedford, MA 18 11
Newport News, VA 15 11
Ocean City, MD 48 12
Table 8.10 Percentages of Total, Revenue, Landings, and Days-at-Sea for Species of Interest, Skipjack Wind 2, 2017
Species Revenue as % of Total Landings as % of Total DAS as % of Total
Black Sea Bass 0.17 0.18 0.04
Atlantic Menhaden 0.05 0.06 0.01
Tautog 0.02 0.02 0.03
All Others 0.02 0.01 0.01
Blueline Tilefish 0.02 0.03 0.00
American Lobster 0.01 0.01 0.01
Butterfish 0.00 0.00 0.00
Longfin Squid 0.00 0.00 0.00
Ilex Squid 0.00 0.00 0.01
Summer Flounder 0.00 0.00 0.00
Table 8.11 Total Number of Trips and Vessels by FMP, Skipjack Wind 2, 2017
FMP Number of Trips Number of Vessels
American Lobster 205 11
Bluefish 22 14
Golden and Blueline Tilefish 4 4
Jonah Crab 82 8
Mackerel, Squid, and Butterfish 49 18
Monkfish 25 17
No Federal FMP 303 36
Northeast Multispecies 4 3
Sea Scallop 49 25
Skates 6 4
Small-Mesh Multispecies 55 9
Summer Flounder, Scup, Black Sea Bass 254 32
Table 8.12 Total Number of Trips and Vessels by Species, Skipjack Wind 2, 2017
Species Number of Trips Number of Vessels
American Lobster 205 11
Atlantic Croaker 15 6
Black Sea Bass 224 16
Bluefish 22 14
Blueline Tilefish 3 3
Butterfish 15 7
Channeled Whelk 109 11
Conger Eel 86 7
Cunner 26 4
Dogfish Smooth 5 3
Illex Squid 17 8
John Dory 20 10
Jonah Crab 82 8
Knobbed Whelk 59 7
Longfin Squid 40 15
Menhaden 31 7
Monkfish 25 17
Nk Eel 31 5
Red Hake 50 6
Scup 11 8
Sea Scallop 49 25
Silver Hake 5 4
Skates 6 4
Squeteague Weakfish 3 3
Summer Flounder 30 19
Tautog 58 6
Triggerfish 39 6
Table 8.13 Total Number of Trips and Vessels by Port, Skipjack Wind 2, 2017
Port Number of Trips Number of Vessels
Cape May, NJ 227 33
Hampton, VA 6 6
Lewes, DE 27 3
New Bedford, MA 11 9
Newport News, VA 5 5
Ocean City, MD 47 8
Point Judith, RI 9 4
Table 8.14 Percentages of Total, Revenue, Landings, and Days-at-Sea for Species of Interest, Skipjack Wind 2, 2016
Species Revenue as % of Total Landings as % of Total DAS as % of Total
American Eel 0.76 0.18 0.02
Black Sea Bass 0.15 0.18 0.03
Atlantic Menhaden 0.10 0.11 0.03
Atlantic Croaker 0.09 0.05 0.11
Blueline Tilefish 0.06 0.06 0.01
Atlantic Surfclams 0.05 0.06 0.06
Tautog 0.05 0.05 0.07
Ilex Squid 0.02 0.01 0.01
Atlantic Sea Scallop 0.01 0.01 0.01
All Others 0.01 0.00 0.01
Table 8.15 Total Number of Trips and Vessels by FMP, Skipjack Wind 2, 2016
FMP Number of Trips Number of Vessels
American Lobster 182 9
Bluefish 44 29
Golden and Blueline Tilefish 30 12
Highly Migratory Species 18 6
Jonah Crab 83 6
Mackerel, Squid, and Butterfish 146 47
Monkfish 52 26
No Federal FMP 392 50
Sea Scallop 72 57
Skates 13 5
Small-Mesh Multispecies 71 11
Spiny Dogfish 8 7
Summer Flounder, Scup, Black Sea Bass 262 48
Surfclam, Ocean Quahog 91 6
Table 8.16 Total Number of Trips and Vessels by Species, Skipjack Wind 2, 2016
Species Number of Trips Number of Vessels
American Eel 12 7
American Lobster 182 9
Atlantic Croaker 35 11
Atlantic Mackerel 11 10
Black Sea Bass 201 26
Bluefish 44 29
Blueline Tilefish 23 9
Butterfish 49 19
Channeled Whelk 124 12
Conger Eel 110 9
Dogfish Smooth 10 8
Dogfish Spiny 8 7
Golden Tilefish 15 9
Illex Squid 36 6
John Dory 46 15
Jonah Crab 83 6
King Whiting 10 7
Knobbed Whelk 69 8
Longfin Squid 133 44
Menhaden 45 7
Monkfish 52 26
Nk Eel 23 5
Northern Kingfish 8 3
Northern Puffer 3 3
Other Fish 11 3
Red Hake 59 7
Scup 18 8
Sea Scallop 72 57
Silver Hake 14 7
Skates 12 5
Spanish Mackerel 5 3
Spot 7 4
Squeteague Weakfish 13 8
Summer Flounder 99 42
Surf Clam 91 6
Tautog 61 8
Triggerfish 38 5
Table 8.17 Total Number of Trips and Vessels by Port, Skipjack Wind 2, 2016
Port Number of Trips Number of Vessels
Cape May, NJ 272 43
Hampton, VA 13 10
New Bedford, MA 36 25
Newport News, VA 11 11
Ocean City, MD 98 12
Point Judith, RI 21 10
Wanchese, NC 5 3
Table 8.18 Percentages of Total, Revenue, Landings, and Days-at-Sea for Species of Interest, Skipjack Wind 2, 2015
Species Revenue as % of Total Landings as % of Total DAS as % of Total
Tautog 0.18 0.16 0.06
Atlantic Menhaden 0.10 0.11 0.02
Black Sea Bass 0.09 0.11 0.01
Atlantic Surfclams 0.05 0.06 0.07
American Eel 0.05 0.19 0.01
All Others 0.04 0.00 0.00
Blueline Tilefish 0.01 0.01 0.00
Atlantic Sea Scallop 0.01 0.01 0.00
Summer Flounder 0.00 0.01 0.00
Longfin Squid 0.00 0.00 0.00
Table 8.19 Total Number of Trips and Vessels by FMP, Skipjack Wind 2, 2015
FMP Number of Trips Number of Vessels
American Lobster 116 7
Bluefish 26 17
Golden and Blueline Tilefish 23 14
Highly Migratory Species 8 6
Jonah Crab 74 9
Mackerel, Squid, and Butterfish 97 35
Monkfish 66 41
No Federal FMP 365 47
Northeast Multispecies 48 4
Sea Scallop 81 40
Skates 11 5
Small-Mesh Multispecies 69 13
Summer Flounder, Scup, Black Sea Bass 208 57
Surfclam, Ocean Quahog 108 10
Table 8.20 Total Number of Trips and Vessels by Species, Skipjack Wind 2, 2015
Species Number of Trips Number of Vessels
American Eel 5 3
American Lobster 116 7
Atlantic Croaker 23 11
Atlantic Mackerel 5 4
Black Sea Bass 135 25
Bluefish 26 17
Blueline Tilefish 14 12
Butterfish 29 13
Channeled Whelk 147 15
Conchs 22 6
Conger Eel 89 10
Cunner 42 3
Dogfish Smooth 4 4
Golden Tilefish 14 8
John Dory 36 12
Jonah Crab 74 9
Knobbed Whelk 52 13
Lightning Whelk 23 5
Longfin Squid 92 35
Menhaden 43 8
Monkfish 66 41
Nk Eel 4 3
Red Hake 56 6
Rock Crab 24 4
Scup 17 11
Sea Robins 3 3
Sea Scallop 81 40
Silver Hake 14 8
Skates 10 5
Squeteague Weakfish 6 6
Summer Flounder 97 48
Surf Clam 108 10
Tautog 60 5
Triggerfish 19 3
Table 8.21 Total Number of Trips and Vessels by Port, Skipjack Wind 2, 2015
Port Number of Trips Number of Vessels
Atlantic City, NJ 77 9
Beaufort, NC 10 5
Cape May, NJ 219 37
Hampton, VA 20 17
New Bedford, MA 12 8
Newport News, VA 17 15
Ocean City, MD 82 12
Point Judith, RI 13 7
Table 8.22 Percentages of Total, Revenue, Landings, and Days-at-Sea for Species of Interest, Skipjack Wind 2, 2014
Species Revenue as % of Total Landings as % of Total DAS as % of Total
American Eel 0.23 0.56 0.04
Black Sea Bass 0.16 0.22 0.03
Tautog 0.14 0.11 0.09
Blueline Tilefish 0.11 0.11 0.02
Atlantic Menhaden 0.04 0.04 0.01
Atlantic Croaker 0.04 0.04 0.05
Atlantic Surfclams 0.03 0.03 0.03
Thresher Shark 0.02 0.03 0.08
Swordfish 0.01 0.01 0.02
Summer Flounder 0.01 0.01 0.01
Table 8.23 Total Number of Trips and Vessels by FMP, Skipjack Wind 2, 2014
FMP Number of Trips Number of Vessels
American Lobster 156 8
Bluefish 40 22
Golden and Blueline Tilefish 19 11
Highly Migratory Species 20 12
Jonah Crab 28 5
Mackerel, Squid, and Butterfish 147 44
Monkfish 61 37
No Federal FMP 306 58
Northeast Multispecies 14 5
Sea Scallop 15 8
Skates 22 9
Small-Mesh Multispecies 97 23
Spiny Dogfish 7 5
Summer Flounder, Scup, Black Sea Bass 286 63
Surfclam, Ocean Quahog 43 10
Table 8.24 Total Number of Trips and Vessels by Species, Skipjack Wind 2, 2014
Species Number of Trips Number of Vessels
American Eel 17 7
American Lobster 156 8
Atlantic Croaker 49 17
Atlantic Mackerel 16 8
Black Sea Bass 185 34
Bluefish 40 22
Blueline Tilefish 16 10
Butterfish 54 21
Channeled Whelk 84 14
Cod 9 3
Conchs 13 6
Conger Eel 82 8
Dogfish Smooth 14 9
Dogfish Spiny 7 5
Dolphinfish 4 3
Golden Tilefish 9 6
Illex Squid 40 10
John Dory 19 9
Jonah Crab 28 5
King Whiting 25 10
Knobbed Whelk 54 15
Longfin Squid 121 42
Menhaden 16 10
Monkfish 61 37
Nk Eel 13 3
Other Fish 10 3
Red Hake 77 14
Rock Crab 20 3
Scup 24 15
Sea Scallop 15 8
Silver Hake 23 13
Skates 20 8
Spot 20 10
Squeteague Weakfish 19 11
Summer Flounder 138 54
Surf Clam 43 10
Swordfish 8 6
Tautog 65 9
Thresher Shark 6 4
Triggerfish 32 7
Yellowfin Tuna 3 3
Table 8.25 Total Number of Trips and Vessels by Port, Skipjack Wind 2, 2014
Port Number of Trips Number of Vessels
Atlantic City, NJ 49 10
Beaufort, NC 5 5
Cape May, NJ 170 32
Chincoteague, VA 19 11
Indian River, DE 72 3
Newport News, VA 13 10
Ocean City, MD 66 14
Point Judith, RI 12 4
Wanchese, NC 8 6
Table 8.26 Percentages of Total, Revenue, Landings, and Days-at-Sea for Species of Interest, Skipjack Wind 2, 2013
Species Revenue as % of Total Landings as % of Total DAS as % of Total
Black Sea Bass 0.24 0.34 0.03
Cobia 0.24 0.45 0.31
Atlantic Menhaden 0.12 0.13 0.03
Tautog 0.11 0.09 0.06
Atlantic Surfclams 0.05 0.06 0.04
Atlantic Croaker 0.02 0.02 0.17
All Others 0.01 0.00 0.01
Summer Flounder 0.01 0.01 0.01
American Eel 0.00 0.54 0.16
Longfin Squid 0.00 0.00 0.00
Table 8.27 Total Number of Trips and Vessels by FMP, Skipjack Wind 2, 2013
FMP Number of Trips Number of Vessels
American Lobster 139 12
Bluefish 50 28
Golden and Blueline Tilefish 29 18
Highly Migratory Species 13 7
Mackerel, Squid, and Butterfish 109 33
Monkfish 54 35
No Federal FMP 321 53
Sea Scallop 10 7
Skates 8 7
Small-Mesh Multispecies 95 15
Summer Flounder, Scup, Black Sea Bass 250 58
Surfclam, Ocean Quahog 50 11
Table 8.28 Total Number of Trips and Vessels by Species, Skipjack Wind 2, 2013
Species Number of Trips Number of Vessels
American Eel 34 8
American Lobster 139 12
Atlantic Croaker 26 11
Atlantic Mackerel 4 4
Black Sea Bass 180 40
Bluefish 50 28
Blueline Tilefish 16 9
Butterfish 46 16
Channeled Whelk 97 15
Chub Mackerel 15 7
Cobia 11 4
Conchs 9 7
Conger Eel 63 5
Dogfish Smooth 21 12
Golden Tilefish 22 15
Illex Squid 31 8
John Dory 37 16
King Whiting 10 6
Knobbed Whelk 78 10
Little Tuna 4 4
Longfin Squid 100 32
Menhaden 33 6
Monkfish 53 34
Nk Eel 19 4
Red Hake 82 9
Scup 18 13
Sea Robins 3 3
Sea Scallop 10 7
Silver Hake 17 9
Skates 7 6
Squeteague Weakfish 15 13
Summer Flounder 107 47
Surf Clam 50 11
Swordfish 10 5
Tautog 57 7
Triggerfish 35 8
Table 8.29 Total Number of Trips and Vessels by Port, Skipjack Wind 2, 2013
Port Number of Trips Number of Vessels
Atlantic City, NJ 58 12
Cape May, NJ 204 35
Davisville, RI 13 3
Newport News, VA 13 11
Ocean City, MD 56 14
Point Judith, RI 13 5
Sea Isle City, NJ 31 4
Table 8.30 Percentages of Total, Revenue, Landings, and Days-at-Sea for Species of Interest, Skipjack Wind 2, 2012
Species Revenue as % of Total Landings as % of Total DAS as % of Total
Black Sea Bass 0.24 0.32 0.03
Atlantic Surfclams 0.23 0.24 0.20
Clearnose Skate 0.11 0.11 0.16
Atlantic Menhaden 0.10 0.10 0.05
Cobia 0.07 0.08 0.20
Horseshoe Crab 0.04 0.04 0.01
Tautog 0.03 0.04 0.11
Atlantic Croaker 0.02 0.03 0.16
American Eel 0.01 0.18 0.05
Summer Flounder 0.01 0.01 0.01
Table 8.31 Total Number of Trips and Vessels by FMP, Skipjack Wind 2, 2012
FMP Number of Trips Number of Vessels
American Lobster 174 15
Bluefish 104 54
Golden and Blueline Tilefish 32 19
Highly Migratory Species 19 12
Jonah Crab 34 3
Mackerel, Squid, and Butterfish 168 53
Monkfish 114 54
No Federal FMP 455 65
Northeast Multispecies 43 5
Sea Scallop 42 21
Skates 24 11
Small-Mesh Multispecies 82 13
Spiny Dogfish 8 7
Summer Flounder, Scup, Black Sea Bass 397 70
Surfclam, Ocean Quahog 207 20
Table 8.32 Total Number of Trips and Vessels by Species, Skipjack Wind 2, 2012
Species Number of Trips Number of Vessels
American Eel 12 3
American Lobster 174 15
Atlantic Croaker 52 20
Atlantic Mackerel 7 7
Black Sea Bass 239 38
Bluefish 104 54
Blueline Tilefish 22 13
Butterfish 39 18
Channeled Whelk 105 16
Clearnose Skate 8 3
Cobia 3 3
Conchs 30 9
Conger Eel 88 10
Dogfish Smooth 40 19
Dogfish Spiny 8 7
Golden Tilefish 20 13
Horseshoe Crab 52 6
Illex Squid 41 9
John Dory 38 16
Jonah Crab 34 3
King Whiting 14 10
Knobbed Whelk 62 12
Little Tuna 4 3
Longfin Squid 153 49
Menhaden 101 12
Monkfish 114 54
Nk Eel 22 5
Octopus 3 3
Red Hake 67 5
Rock Crab 29 3
Sand Tilefish 3 3
Scup 25 16
Sea Scallop 42 21
Silver Hake 15 9
Skates 24 11
Squeteague Weakfish 16 8
Striped Bass 3 3
Summer Flounder 209 62
Surf Clam 206 19
Swordfish 12 8
Tautog 63 11
Thresher Shark 5 3
Triggerfish 36 9
Table 8.33 Total Number of Trips and Vessels by Port, Skipjack Wind 2, 2012
Port Number of Trips Number of Vessels
Atlantic City, NJ 206 20
Cape May, NJ 249 32
Davisville, RI 7 3
Hampton, VA 20 11
New Bedford, MA 7 3
Newport News, VA 39 21
Ocean City, MD 150 19
Point Judith, RI 10 3
Sea Isle City, NJ 51 4
Table 8.34 Percentages of Total, Revenue, Landings, and Days-at-Sea for Species of Interest, Skipjack Wind 2, 2011
Species Revenue as % of Total Landings as % of Total DAS as % of Total
Black Sea Bass 0.13 0.18 0.02
Atlantic Menhaden 0.12 0.12 0.05
Atlantic Croaker 0.09 0.09 0.15
Tautog 0.08 0.08 0.06
Atlantic Surfclams 0.05 0.05 0.06
Summer Flounder 0.04 0.04 0.02
American Eel 0.03 0.11 0.03
Ilex Squid 0.02 0.02 0.02
Horseshoe Crab 0.01 0.02 0.28
Atlantic Mackerel 0.01 0.01 0.00
Table 8.35 Total Number of Trips and Vessels by FMP, Skipjack Wind 2, 2011
FMP Number of Trips Number of Vessels
American Lobster 129 12
Atlantic Herring 9 4
Bluefish 125 48
Golden and Blueline Tilefish 19 12
Highly Migratory Species 20 8
Mackerel, Squid, and Butterfish 218 61
Monkfish 148 91
No Federal FMP 360 65
Northeast Multispecies 69 6
Sea Scallop 88 61
Skates 20 9
Small-Mesh Multispecies 88 18
Summer Flounder, Scup, Black Sea Bass 404 89
Surfclam, Ocean Quahog 62 6
Table 8.36 Total Number of Trips and Vessels by Species, Skipjack Wind 2, 2011
Species Number of Trips Number of Vessels
American Eel 21 5
American Lobster 129 12
Atlantic Croaker 112 32
Atlantic Herring 9 4
Atlantic Mackerel 11 5
Black Drum 3 3
Black Sea Bass 211 50
Bluefish 125 48
Blueline Tilefish 12 9
Butterfish 72 27
Channeled Whelk 82 20
Cod 63 3
Conchs 17 5
Conger Eel 61 6
Cunner 35 3
Dogfish Smooth 44 13
Golden Tilefish 11 8
Horseshoe Crab 12 3
Illex Squid 78 12
John Dory 32 13
King Whiting 21 10
Knobbed Whelk 61 13
Little Tuna 5 4
Longfin Squid 178 56
Menhaden 49 8
Monkfish 148 91
Nk Eel 23 5
Northern Puffer 12 3
Red Hake 75 9
Rock Crab 17 3
Scup 19 14
Sea Scallop 88 61
Sheepshead 5 5
Silver Hake 15 11
Skates 19 8
Southern Flounder 3 3
Squeteague Weakfish 22 12
Summer Flounder 246 79
Surf Clam 62 6
Swordfish 19 7
Tautog 66 8
Triggerfish 12 6
Table 8.37 Total Number of Trips and Vessels by Port, Skipjack Wind 2, 2011
Port Number of Trips Number of Vessels
Atlantic City, NJ 19 6
Beaufort, NC 13 7
Cape May, NJ 242 54
New Bedford, MA 36 26
Newport News, VA 48 32
North Kingstown, RI 42 4
Ocean City, MD 130 15
Oriental, NC 7 5
Point Judith, RI 19 5
Sea Isle City, NJ 34 4
Wanchese, NC 9 8
Table 8.38 Percentages of Total, Revenue, Landings, and Days-at-Sea for Species of Interest, Skipjack Wind 2, 2010
Species Revenue as % of Total Landings as % of Total DAS as % of Total
Thresher Shark 0.28 0.48 0.19
Black Sea Bass 0.21 0.28 0.03
American Eel 0.21 0.45 0.07
Atlantic Menhaden 0.18 0.15 0.07
Atlantic Croaker 0.09 0.09 0.12
Horseshoe Crab 0.07 0.04 0.05
Tautog 0.04 0.04 0.07
Atlantic Sea Scallop 0.03 0.03 0.03
Atlantic Mackerel 0.02 0.02 0.00
Atlantic Bluefish 0.01 0.01 0.01
Table 8.39 Total Number of Trips and Vessels by FMP, Skipjack Wind 2, 2010
FMP Number of Trips Number of Vessels
American Lobster 135 18
Atlantic Herring 14 8
Bluefish 70 38
Golden and Blueline Tilefish 20 16
Highly Migratory Species 9 7
Jonah Crab 8 6
Mackerel, Squid, and Butterfish 141 56
Monkfish 218 137
No Federal FMP 388 77
Northeast Multispecies 53 10
Sea Scallop 239 147
Skates 20 6
Small-Mesh Multispecies 78 18
Spiny Dogfish 12 8
Summer Flounder, Scup, Black Sea Bass 384 96
Table 8.40 Total Number of Trips and Vessels by Species, Skipjack Wind 2, 2010
Species Number of Trips Number of Vessels
American Eel 19 5
American Lobster 135 18
Atlantic Croaker 64 18
Atlantic Herring 14 8
Atlantic Mackerel 21 11
Black Sea Bass 219 56
Blue Crab 4 3
Bluefish 70 38
Blueline Tilefish 7 6
Butterfish 45 21
Channeled Whelk 100 22
Cod 41 5
Conchs 33 9
Conger Eel 89 13
Dogfish Smooth 31 12
Dogfish Spiny 12 8
Golden Tilefish 17 14
Horseshoe Crab 34 5
Illex Squid 36 15
John Dory 27 15
Jonah Crab 8 6
King Whiting 29 10
Knobbed Whelk 64 14
Longfin Squid 101 47
Menhaden 51 10
Monkfish 218 137
Nk Eel 19 7
Red Hake 66 11
Scup 14 12
Sea Scallop 239 147
Silver Hake 21 12
Skates 20 6
Southern Flounder 10 7
Squeteague Weakfish 14 8
Striped Bass 3 3
Summer Flounder 222 81
Tautog 70 7
Thresher Shark 5 5
Triggerfish 15 4
Witch Flounder 4 4
Table 8.41 Total Number of Trips and Vessels by Port, Skipjack Wind 2, 2010
Port Number of Trips Number of Vessels
Beaufort, NC 10 6
Cape May, NJ 224 65
Hampton, VA 17 16
Indian River, DE 59 3
New Bedford, MA 113 73
Newport News, VA 62 36
North Kingstown, RI 36 5
Ocean City, MD 109 19
Oriental, NC 11 11
Point Judith, RI 11 8
Sea Isle City, NJ 33 6
Wanchese, NC 19 13
Table 8.42 Percentages of Total, Revenue, Landings, and Days-at-Sea for Species of Interest, Skipjack Wind 2, 2009
Species Revenue as % of Total Landings as % of Total DAS as % of Total
Black Sea Bass 0.22 0.24 0.04
Cobia 0.15 0.17 0.15
Tautog 0.07 0.06 0.06
American Eel 0.05 0.04 0.00
Atlantic Menhaden 0.04 0.03 0.02
Horseshoe Crab 0.03 0.03 0.04
Atlantic Croaker 0.03 0.04 0.14
Summer Flounder 0.03 0.03 0.02
Atlantic Sea Scallop 0.01 0.01 0.01
Longfin Squid 0.01 0.01 0.01
Table 8.43 Total Number of Trips and Vessels by FMP, Skipjack Wind 2, 2009
FMP Number of Trips Number of Vessels
American Lobster 127 21
Bluefish 98 53
Golden and Blueline Tilefish 9 8
Highly Migratory Species 7 6
Jonah Crab 21 9
Mackerel, Squid, and Butterfish 157 69
Monkfish 179 114
No Federal FMP 429 93
Northeast Multispecies 30 13
Sea Scallop 238 122
Skates 32 8
Small-Mesh Multispecies 87 26
Spiny Dogfish 8 7
Summer Flounder, Scup, Black Sea Bass 523 112
Table 8.44 Total Number of Trips and Vessels by Species, Skipjack Wind 2, 2009
Species Number of Trips Number of Vessels
American Eel 6 3
American Lobster 127 21
Atlantic Croaker 104 32
Atlantic Mackerel 14 11
Black Sea Bass 216 46
Blue Crab 12 7
Bluefish 98 53
Blueline Tilefish 6 5
Butterfish 41 23
Channeled Whelk 135 19
Cobia 13 7
Conchs 75 9
Conger Eel 100 17
Dogfish Smooth 14 6
Dogfish Spiny 8 7
Golden Tilefish 6 6
Horseshoe Crab 83 8
Illex Squid 19 10
John Dory 10 8
Jonah Crab 21 9
King Whiting 38 16
Knobbed Whelk 112 12
Longfin Squid 127 63
Menhaden 15 8
Monkfish 179 114
Nk Eel 48 11
Nk Porgy 10 7
Offshore Hake 5 4
Red Hake 71 17
Rock Crab 17 3
Scup 20 15
Sea Scallop 238 122
Sheepshead 4 3
Silver Hake 25 15
Skates 32 8
Southern Flounder 17 9
Spanish Mackerel 10 6
Spot 17 10
Squeteague Weakfish 24 17
Striped Bass 10 10
Summer Flounder 344 95
Tautog 70 14
Thresher Shark 4 4
Triggerfish 54 14
Table 8.45 Total Number of Trips and Vessels by Port, Skipjack Wind 2, 2009
Port Number of Trips Number of Vessels
Beaufort, NC 9 8
Cape May, NJ 259 71
Hampton, VA 29 17
Indian River, DE 57 3
New Bedford, MA 75 47
Newport News, VA 57 35
Ocean City, MD 144 22
Point Judith, RI 19 14
Point Pleasant, NJ 5 3
Sea Isle City, NJ 31 5
Wanchese, NC 17 13
Table 8.46 Percentages of Total, Revenue, Landings, and Days-at-Sea for Species of Interest, Skipjack Wind 2, 2008
Species Revenue as % of Total Landings as % of Total DAS as % of Total
American Eel 0.36 0.21 0.01
Atlantic Menhaden 0.26 0.31 0.19
Black Sea Bass 0.24 0.27 0.04
Tautog 0.12 0.13 0.13
Atlantic Croaker 0.07 0.08 0.11
Ocean Pout 0.04 0.07 0.09
Horseshoe Crab 0.03 0.04 0.13
Weakfish 0.02 0.05 0.01
Black Drum 0.02 0.02 0.03
Atlantic Sea Scallop 0.02 0.02 0.01
Table 8.47 Total Number of Trips and Vessels by FMP, Skipjack Wind 2, 2008
FMP Number of Trips Number of Vessels
American Lobster 206 18
Bluefish 83 52
Golden and Blueline Tilefish 28 21
Highly Migratory Species 4 4
Jonah Crab 17 5
Mackerel, Squid, and Butterfish 139 56
Monkfish 129 83
No Federal FMP 518 86
Northeast Multispecies 35 11
Sea Scallop 289 146
Skates 8 6
Small-Mesh Multispecies 91 21
Summer Flounder, Scup, Black Sea Bass 557 97
Table 8.48 Total Number of Trips and Vessels by Species, Skipjack Wind 2, 2008
Species Number of Trips Number of Vessels
American Eel 10 5
American Lobster 206 18
Atlantic Croaker 104 33
Black Drum 5 4
Black Sea Bass 367 59
Blue Crab 4 3
Bluefish 83 52
Blueline Tilefish 19 13
Brown Shrimp 4 4
Butterfish 61 31
Channeled Whelk 101 17
Conchs 40 11
Conger Eel 180 16
Cunner 55 5
Dogfish Smooth 8 6
Dolphinfish 3 3
Golden Tilefish 11 11
Horseshoe Crab 47 7
John Dory 14 12
Jonah Crab 17 5
King Whiting 28 12
Knobbed Whelk 74 9
Longfin Squid 105 46
Menhaden 92 15
Monkfish 129 83
Mullets 9 7
Nk Eel 84 13
Nk Porgy 9 7
Ocean Pout 24 4
Other Shellfish 4 3
Red Crab 6 3
Red Hake 77 11
Rock Crab 14 3
Scup 32 22
Sea Scallop 289 146
Sheepshead 5 5
Silver Hake 15 11
Skates 8 6
Southern Flounder 11 4
Spot 4 4
Squeteague Weakfish 49 23
Striped Bass 10 9
Summer Flounder 252 82
Tautog 129 15
Triggerfish 29 9
Witch Flounder 6 6
Table 8.49 Total Number of Trips and Vessels by Port, Skipjack Wind 2, 2008
Port Number of Trips Number of Vessels
Beaufort, NC 12 7
Cape May, NJ 345 83
Hampton, VA 40 22
Indian River, DE 70 4
New Bedford, MA 56 31
Newport News, VA 46 36
North Kingstown, RI 25 4
Ocean City, MD 143 22
Oriental, NC 17 11
Point Judith, RI 12 8
Sea Isle City, NJ 43 3
Wanchese, NC 18 9