
Report Run on: 2023-05-18

For data reported through 2023-05-17

Quota Period: 2023

Quota period dates: January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023

Species Bushels* Percent of Quota* Quota (Bushels)
SURFCLAM 519,261 15.3% 3,400,000
OCEAN QUAHOG 994,553 18.6% 5,333,000
MAINE QUAHOG 94 0.1% 100,000

Surfclam and Ocean Quahog Landings by Period

Period Begin Date End Date Surfclam Bushels Surfclam Bushels (Cumulative) Ocean Quahog Bushels Ocean Quahog Bushels (Cumulative) Maine Quahog Bushels Maine Quahog Bushels (Cumulative)
01 2022-12-31 23:00:00 2023-01-14 23:00:00 68,537 68,537 118,412 118,412 94 94
02 2023-01-15 23:00:00 2023-01-30 23:00:00 69,457 137,994 55,753 174,166 0 94
03 2023-01-31 23:00:00 2023-02-14 23:00:00 42,576 180,570 102,917 277,083 0 94
04 2023-02-15 23:00:00 2023-02-27 23:00:00 59,473 240,043 112,059 389,141 0 94
05 2023-02-28 23:00:00 2023-03-15 00:00:00 37,868 277,911 56,649 445,790 0 94
06 2023-03-16 00:00:00 2023-03-31 00:00:00 63,288 341,199 175,721 621,511 0 94
07 2023-04-01 00:00:00 2023-04-15 00:00:00 64,822 406,021 129,646 751,157 0 94
08 2023-04-16 00:00:00 2023-04-30 00:00:00 87,060 493,081 156,976 908,133 0 94
09 2023-05-01 00:00:00 2023-05-15 00:00:00 26,180 519,261 86,420 994,553 0 94

Data are provided by the Northeast Region/Analysis and Program Support Division of NOAA Fisheries These figures are based on dealer/processor shellfish reports and may be preliminary Maine bushels have been converted to standard bushels for the ‘Ocean Quahog’ data but remain in Maine bushels for the ‘Maine Quahog’ data.

Surfclam Landings Report

Ocean Quahog Landings Report

Maine Quahog Landings Report

These data are the best available to NOAA Fisheries Service when this report was compiled. Data are supplied to NOAA Fisheries Service by dealers via Dealer Electronic Reporting to the Atlantic Coastal Cooperative Statistics Program (ACCSP) and/or by state agencies and may be preliminary. Discrepancies with data from previous Weekly Landings Reports are due to corrections made to the database.