
Report Run on: 2024-05-30

For data reported through 2024-05-29

Quota Period: 2024

Quota period dates: January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024

Species Bushels Quota (Bushels) Percent of Quota
SURFCLAM 435,804 3,400,000 12.8%
OCEAN QUAHOG 607,616 5,333,000 11.4%
MAINE QUAHOG 2,424 100,000 2.4%

Surfclam and Ocean Quahog Landings by Period

Week Start Surfclam Bushels Surfclam Bushels (Cumulative) Ocean Quahog Bushels Ocean Quahog Bushels (Cumulative) Maine Quahog Bushels Maine Quahog Bushels (Cumulative)
2024-01-01 28,512 28,512 22,720 22,720 0 0
2024-01-08 1,376 29,888 0 22,720 61 61
2024-01-15 10,752 40,640 19,968 42,688 180 241
2024-01-22 37,600 78,240 39,520 82,208 119 360
2024-01-29 24,896 103,136 20,448 102,656 167 527
2024-02-05 28,896 132,032 32,256 134,912 219 746
2024-02-12 5,056 137,088 17,504 152,416 133 879
2024-02-19 33,856 170,944 46,944 199,360 60 939
2024-02-26 25,024 195,968 32,256 231,616 71 1,010
2024-03-04 11,792 207,760 22,144 253,760 213 1,223
2024-03-11 24,384 232,144 33,024 286,784 0 1,223
2024-03-18 11,392 243,536 41,504 328,288 133 1,356
2024-03-25 9,248 252,784 31,424 359,712 135 1,491
2024-04-01 16,032 268,816 36,480 396,192 189 1,680
2024-04-08 23,428 292,244 49,856 446,048 172 1,852
2024-04-15 25,286 317,530 55,840 501,888 141 1,993
2024-04-22 28,800 346,330 38,080 539,968 134 2,127
2024-04-29 29,346 375,676 13,888 553,856 80 2,207
2024-05-06 16,096 391,772 21,056 574,912 217 2,424
2024-05-13 20,736 412,508 14,816 589,728 0 2,424
2024-05-20 22,848 435,356 17,888 607,616 0 2,424
2024-05-27 448 435,804 0 607,616 0 2,424

Data are provided by the Northeast Region/Analysis and Program Support Division of NOAA Fisheries These figures are based on dealer/processor shellfish reports and may be preliminary Maine bushels have been converted to standard bushels for the ‘Ocean Quahog’ data but remain in Maine bushels for the ‘Maine Quahog’ data.

Surfclam Landings Report

Ocean Quahog Landings Report

Maine Quahog Landings Report

The data used to produce this report are the best available to NOAA Fisheries at the time the report was generated. Data for this report are primarily from data received through various NOAA Fisheries data collection programs, which include data from our partner organizations, such as: Vessel Monitoring Systems; Vessel Trip Reports; Dealer Purchase Reports; and the Northeast Fisheries Observer Program. As part of its data quality assurance/quality control program, NOAA Fisheries routinely audits and corrects data, which may lead to differences between quota monitoring reports.