Report Run on: 2024-11-12
Quota Year: 2024 (May 1, 2024 to April 30, 2025)

Catch Cap Quota (mt) Cumulative Catch (mt) Percent Quota Caught
Georges Bank (GB) 131 3.1 2.4%
Gulf of Maine (GOM) 22 0.0 0.0%

The Georges Bank (GB) and Gulf of Maine (GOM) haddock incidental catch cap is monitored based on the Northeast multispecies fishing year (May 1-April 30). If the haddock incidental catch cap is caught, any vessel issued a herring permit and using midwater trawl gear may not fish for, possess, or land more than 2,000 lb of herring in the Herring Haddock Accountability Measure Area.

The method for estimating haddock catch by midwater trawl herring vessels matches the method used for estimating discards in the multispecies fisheries. The cumulative method uses catch from the entire year to estimate a haddock catch ratio for each stock area. The haddock bycatch ratio is calculated for a stock area by dividing observed haddock catch for the year by the observed kept-all (total amount of all species) for the year. Haddock catch on unobserved trips is then estimated by multiplying the catch ratio by the kept all from all unobserved herring midwater trawl vessels fishing within that haddock stock area. This method replaces estimated pounds with observed pounds where available. More information on this methodology can be found at the discard methodology web page and the following summary document.

The data used to produce this report are the best available to NOAA Fisheries at the time the report was generated. Data for this report are primarily from data received through various NOAA Fisheries data collection programs, which include data from our partner organizations, such as: Vessel Monitoring Systems; Vessel Trip Reports; Dealer Purchase Reports; and the Northeast Fisheries Observer Program. As part of its data quality assurance/quality control program, NOAA Fisheries routinely audits and corrects data, which may lead to differences between quota monitoring reports.